Time flies, and with a blink of an eye, a new year has begun. After a challenging 2022 (in fact, It probably has been that way for many market players), we now focus on 2023. So do our partner companies. There’s always a lot to do, but let’s stay realistic. Most of us cannot attain all goals at once.
Well then, here’s a short bucket list of things that really matter to us in this new year 2023.
- Optimizing hardware production and distribution processes so we can offer bigger quantities of items;
- Refining our online and social media presence;
- Establishing our new product line of LED-lighted USB pushboxes;
- Reviving the offer of editorial and (sometimes technical) content services;
- Expanding our range of business connections;
- Further strengthening the relationship with our existing cooperation partners;
- Checking on the usability und and user experience of our products;
- In a nutshell: making IT even easier for us and our business partners!
What we wish for in the new year
Every period of time and every change come with some challenges. For example, we restructured our hardware distribution in the last quarter of 2022 and now we need to keep up the flow. This also includes finding the best trade partners for the purchase of components, as the worldwide prices for microchips and (electronic) parts has increased a lot. But naturally, we ‘re also going to scale up our production for the “big players” on the retail markets. A better balance between B2C and B2B – this principle counts for us both for hardware and software offers. Who knows – maybe YOU and your company will become new trade partners for us?

Our partners: lots of innovation ahead!
The new year will also become both exciting and challenging for our partners Ardumower and Spring Engineering. How will the simplified DIY kit for the “garden butler” Alfred scale up on the global markets? Which other mechatronics products will Spring Engineering start and finish? And which innovative new robotic helpers will leave owlRobotics’ “maker garage” in the next months?
Everyone knows that facing rising purchase prices and other economic insecurity factors will stay present for a while. But nobody REALLY knows which chances and ideas the future holds. So let’s all cheer up, shake off the dust of past issues und and move on – to a new year with new rising and shooting stars in the tech sky! And never forget: Making it alone is fine – succeeding with friends is best.