Der USB-Buzzer in aller Kürze

Der Einsatz eines USB-Buzzers anstatt einer Maus oder Tastatur kann Ihnen viele Vorteile in Ihren Arbeitsprozessen bringen. Korrekt programmiert gestalten USB-Pushbuttons unter anderem die Warenproduktion schneller und einfacher. Auch bei Gaming-Events und für DJs sind in vielen Situationen hilfreich. Fotografen profitieren vom direkten Augenkontakt mit ihren Kunden, da der Buzzer das obligatorische "Klick" übernimmt. Doch ein Pushbutton kann auch Unfälle verhindern und Leben retten - zum Beispiel als Notstopp im Fitnessstudio oder an einer Produktionsmaschine. Insgesamt eignet sich der Buzzer für zahlreiche Szenarien.


USB-Buzzer im Einsatz: Einmal drücken, bitte!

Wollen Sie mehr über dieses praktische Tool wissen? Hier kommen einige Basisinformationen!

Plug in your USB buzzer and get started!

Einfach den USB-Buzzer mit dem PC verbinden und loslegen!

Wer kann den USB-Buzzer installieren und programmieren?

  • grundsätzlich jeder, der seine IT-Prozesse vereinfachen will
  • all users who want to simulate frequently recurring commands
  • users with and without any programming knowledge – it is easy with the app
  • customers from many business sectors – the USB pushbutton is a versatile tool
  • everyone who speaks English or German

What can the buzzer do for you?

  • simulate all command types, e.g. mouse clicks, key combinations, command strings
  • simplify the entry your frequently recurring commands and thus accelerate your processes
  • prevent your hardware from wear and damage, e.g. your touchscreen at a trade show or your keyboard in a production line
  • save your employees‘ time and optimize processes
  • function in an industrial and crowded environment because the USB buzzer is extremely robust

How does the USB buzzer function?

  • simulates all command types after programming the buzzer and flashing its memory
  • substitutes complicated mouse operations, string entries and key combinations
  • can be activated with both your hand and your foot as it endures up to 100 kg
  • comes with an app which makes programming easier

Which devices and file systems is the buzzer compatible with?

  • all current computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets
  • automatons which rely on a common file system
  • computers with a Windows, Mac or Linux file system
  • current iOS and Android devices
  • most devices with an USB port (some require an adapter)

Which advantages does the USB buzzer offer?

  • saves and simulates up to 192 commands:
  • 8 command lists with 8 command rows including 3 data values
  • robust, splashproof and easy to clean – practical for showroom or production settings
  • high quality performance according to current industrial standards
  • long life cycle: the USB buzzer performs about a million switching cycles
  • all command types, e.g. key combinations, mouse operations and string entries, are possible
  • fully programmable: performs different command types at the same time or in a sequence
  • easy handling with programming app, no programming knowledge required