Fixing data issues – a difficult task!

August 15, 2023 Aus Von Anna Katherina Ibeling

Most of us have already dealt with data issues in our professional and private lives. Consequently, building, maintaining, monitoring, protecting and repairing complex data structures is one of the main challenges of our time. Video repair and file recovery naturally don’t make an exception at this point Find out about some common sources of data issues and this sector and some helpful tips.

Überstunden wegen Datenproblemen? Damit sind Sie nicht allein!
When data issues cause you long working hours ... You're not alone in this!

Why data issues occur so often

Your data is corrupted.

This is a really basic explanation now, as one of the most common difficulties is dealing with corrupted or incomplete data. Data issues of this kind can occur due to various reasons. For example, some of these are improper shutdowns, hardware failures and software glitches. In any case, recovering or repairing files with severe corruption remains a big challenge.

The operational system struggles with fragmented data blocks.

Fragmentation occurs when a file is stored in non-contiguous blocks on a storage device. This sort of data issues can complicate the recovery process. As the file’s components may be scattered across the device, it becomes more difficult to reassemble them. Here’s a small comparison from everyday life … Have you ever tried to reassemble several puzzles with 500+ pieces each which are mixed in one box?

Data issues can be a matter of format.

Some video repair and recovery tools might not support certain file formats or codecs. In consequence, unsupported formats can make any successful repair and recovery process a Mission Impossible.

Fragmentierte Datenblöcke - ein Puzzle für Fortgeschrittene!
Fragmented blocks are like a giant puzzle

Your storage medium contains overwritten data.

Attempting to recover files from a storage device that has been actively used after data loss can result in overwritten data. Logically, writing new data to the same storage location can overwrite the original file. So it becomes nearly impossible to recover any overwritten storage content as the disk constantly rebuilds its inner data structures.

Hardware damage is a common cause for data issues.

In cases of hardware failure or physical damage to the storage device, data recovery becomes more challenging. Depending on the degree of damaged, hard drive failures, damaged flash drives or scratched optical media can hinder the recovery process.

The more complex codecs and encryptions are, the more likely data issues become.

Here’s a special video thing: Some videos are encoded with complex codecs or are encrypted for security reasons. Decrypting and decoding these files correctly during recovery can be difficult,. Furthermore, improper handling can lead to errors and more data issues.

Hardwaredefekte - ein häufiger Grund für Datenprobleme
Hardware damage leads to data issues in many cases

Your videos' headers and metadata are out of control.

Generally, video files contain headers and metadata that provide information about the content, structure, and format of the video. With one ore more of these components being corrupted, the video might play out of tune on every media player.

Your video downloads are not complete.

When downloading videos from the internet, interruptions can lead to incomplete downloads. Trying to repair such files can result in errors if the missing parts cannot be retrieved.

You used video repair and file recovery tools incorrectly.

There are a lot of helpful video repair and file recovery tools available. But whatever tool you choose -incorrect handling can worsen the situation. In consequence, applying the wrong tool, improper settings, or performing the wrong steps can lead to further data issues and file damage.

Unvollständige Downloads können Datenprobleme verursachen
Incomplete downloads? A common reason for data loss!

Not all data on your storage medium is available.

For your information – in many cases data issues can be solved via file recovery and repair, e.g. video repair. Nonetheless, in some cases, data might be partially or completely unrecoverable if the damage is severe or the type of storage device is especially hard to restore.

General software limitations can lead to data issues.

Seaching for the correct software for your case, always mind the details. It’s obvious that every tool comes with its own specifications and limitations. So some tools might not be effective in handling your individual data issues. Needless to say, unsuccessful repair or recovery attempts can be frustrating and expensive. Meanwhile, trying before buying is always a good idea.

In a nutshell, data issues come without a warning for most of us though there might be warning signs before that we just didn’t notice. So how can we do our best preventing and fixing common data errors like data loss and video file damage?

Die richtige Strategie bei Datenproblemen erfordert Einsatz
Searching for the correct strategy and tools takes some effort

Common data issues – prevention and First Aid

Solving common issues during video repair and file recovery requires a systematic approach and the use of appropriate tools and techniques. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you coping with these errors.

Observe what your data issues are all about.

Start by identifying the specific problem with the files in question. Are they corrupted, partially missing, or inaccessible? Understanding the nature of the issue will guide your approach to solving it.

The right software: look closely and compare.

Choose a reputable video repair or data recovery software that covers the specific data issues you’re facing. Admittedly, this is not an easy choice as there are various software options available. Reseaching and reading reviews can help you finding what you need.

Create file copies before tackling your data issues.

Before attempting any repairs or recoveries, make a copy of the corrupted file. This ensures that you have a backup in case something goes wrong during the upcoming processes. By the way, your data backup can be either stored on another physical disk, on a server, in a cloud or as a disk image.

Im professionellen Umfeld kommen oft Cloudspeicher zum Einsatz
Many companies use cloud storage for data backups

Eliminate the effects of corrupted headers.

If your video has playback issues or is not recognized, it might have a corrupted header. But there are certainly repair tools which offer header repair options to fix this issue.

Recover deleted or lost files.

If the file has been accidentally deleted or lost, use data recovery software to scan the storage device for traces of the file. Here’s what we always warn our customers about … You must use a second and intact medium for your restored files. Using the source medium as a target medium causes unnecessary data issues like overwriting and further messing up structures. So do not use the source medium for files you just saved – it is defect for a reason and not a safe space any longer!

Select special tools for data issues with fragmented files.

If you are dealing with fragmented files, select software that can identify and reassemble data fragments. Naturally, this process might take longer but can recover the complete file.

Datenverlust: oftmals eine Folge von Hardwaredefekten
Data loss as a consequence of hardware defects

Check if all codecs are compatible with the media player.

If the video doesn’t play as it sure, check out if the media player has the necessary codecs. Always remember that codecs “pull the strings“ in the background of your files and they can become either friend or foe. Naturally this depends on how they are implemented and connected to each other, like single strings forming a textile fabric. Some data issues might be resolved simply by using a player that supports the file’s format. As a recommendation, tne VLC media player is a very versatile tool which supports many video file formats and codec combinations.

Ask an expert for data issues if your files are worth the expense.

Automatized software tools have become powerful but cannot fully substitute human brain work in some cases. So, for physically damaged storage devices or complex issues, you might consider seeking help from professional data recovery services. They have specialized tools and expertise to recover data from severely damaged devices. However, also evaluate the effort and expenses and compare arrays and prices of service.

Regularly create backups and use them for data recovery.

Here’s the best and most logical way to prevent data issues … Regularly back up your important files to avoid data loss. If you have backups, restoring from them can be a quick and effective solution to many problems. Furthermore, you can use these backups for an easier file repair as there is no data loss involved.

Aufwendig, aber wertvoll ...Datenexperten wissen bestens über Speichermedien Bescheid
If everything else fails. a hardware expert has a deep knowledge about storage media

Stay away from dangerous experiments while tackling data issues!

Like in many aspects of life, the saying “Two wrongs don’t make it right!“ is accurate for technical errors. However you are planning to save or repair your files, always be cautious. Avoid using poorly matching tools, and don’t attempt drastic measures that could further damage the file or storage device. Hitting the “formatting“ button is one of the worst things you can do on a corrupted medium, by the way. This way, you’ll be killing it all – in the most destructive way.

Make sure your file system and installed software are up to date.

Sometimes, system updates or software updates might cause compatibility issues. In order to avoid trouble, ensure that all of your software is up to date and compatible with your operating system.

Track and document all data repair and recovery processes.

You’ve found a way to recover lost files or to repair your videos? Thus, you’ve solved your data issues at your own account! Congratulations and good for you! However, it is always helpful to keep a record of the steps you take during the repair or recovery process. Either when you’ll need to repeat the process or when you cannot go without some technical support or professionals for assistance.

Datenprobleme beseitigen - aber mit System!
Eliminating data issues takes a detailed plan

Most data issues are preventable!

These days, it has become possible to recover and repair files with a few clicks. Sometimes tools are completely free, sometimes they come at an affordable price for most users. And every paid software – also our MaxDataGenius and VideoRepairTool – is offered with demo versions for potential buyers. Chances are that you’ll get your lost or corrupted files back “in shape“.

In a nutshell: There were worse times to face data issues than the 2020s. But also remember that there is never a guarantee for a successful video repair or file recovery, especially in cases of severe corruption or hardware damage. So prevention is key and keeps you out of trouble. In former blog posts, we’ve created a short guideline for “healthy“ hardware and file systems.