Lizenz für VRT und VRT5 kaufen


  • Always try before you buy! Please download and try the repair to make sure that the software meets your needs before buying a license.
    Please also read the FAQ *before* purchasing! It contains useful information why in some cases, the full version may *not* repair more video data than the demo version.
  • You are accepting our terms and conditions / Sie akzeptieren unsere AGBs .
  • As with all online software sales, there are NO REFUNDS! / Kein Widerrufsrecht beim Kauf
  • For non-EURO: The price is converted into your currency at the current rate during the purchase process.
  • You’ll get an invoice (.PDF file with VAT/MwSt details) directly after purchasing (NOTE: Always check your E-Mail SPAM folder!)
  • VAT for EU companies: We always add VAT to our invoices! (you CANNOT have a VAT-deducted invoice from us, you accept this with your purchase)
  • Important! Before purchasing, start the downloaded software and look for the request number (4-digit number: XXXX) and write it down. You’ll need that number directly after the purchase!
    After purchasing, you are automatically redirected to get the activation code to unlock the software. A few minutes later, you’ll automatically get a link for the activation code via email too. If for some reason this doesn’t work, send us an e-mail (including your request number that you can find in the software).
    NOTE: Google email (gmail) often needs 2-3 days for transmission – do not use gmail if you need a quick answer!

I have read all above, and by clicking this button below I accept that I cannot get money back for any reason. 

Single-user license for 5 video repairs and bound to the installation computer: 29 EUR (+VAT/MwSt for Germany and EU countries)

Coupon-Code (optional):

Single-user license for unlimited video repairs and bound to the installation computer:: 99 EUR (+VAT/MwSt for Germany and EU countries)

Coupon-Code (optional):