Naturally, most of our customers know our freely programmable USB pushboxes. Furthermore, it’s no secret that they can give recurring IT operations an easier and intuitive touch. But did you know that you can now get our pushboxes with an extra sparkle and glow? Probably not, as the LED pushbox is a newcomer in our portfolio. This is why it hasn’t even got its own category on our company website yet.
Lights on- how the LED pushbox came to life
It all started with a customer asking about the option of a USB pushbox with LED buttons. Naturally we could not deliver this sort of product immediately, but our CEO connected with our partner company OWLROBOTICS to create a solution. It definitely seemed possible that this prototype had what it takes to become the beginning of a new product line. However, at first we weren’t sure if everything would work out as supposed. Everyone who deals with a new business idea and product prototype knows the thrill of the unknown while creating and optimizing it. Generally, you might plan well, but haven’t got a crystal bowl at hand to tell you if your project will end up successfully.
Along the way, our CEO Alex and Bernd from OWLROBOTICS found a new method to avoid difficult brazing processes and to transfer a new, easier setup to the “normal” USB buzzers and pushboxes. Also on the firmware and software level, Alex had to fit both sectors to the new requirements. There was a lot of programming, experimenting, constructing and testing until we could proudly announce: “Job done, lights on!” Now, we can prepare the LED pushbox for regular trade. Naturally, we still need to take some important steps, especially on the administrative level, to get the sales process started.
Illuminated pushbox: a full product line
At present, we’re still talking about a prototype going on its sales way as soon as possible. However, we are sure now that the LED pushbox is not supposed to become a “one hit wonder”. In contrary, we’re going to offer it as a colourful array of glowing buttons in a box. This means that all pushboxes with one to six buttons can soon be delivered with LED lights as an individual product line. Yet all good thinks take some time. In case you’re interested in testing our LED pushbox prototype at its current price and conditions, please kontaktieren Sie uns for an offer. Together, we’ll add some extra glow to your presentations, sales experience, IT and production processes!